Journal Article

Have U.S. import prices become less responsive to changes in the dollar?

Abstract: The failure of the dollar's depreciation to narrow the U.S. trade deficit has driven recent research showing that the transmission of exchange rate changes to import prices has declined sharply in industrial countries. Estimates presented in this study, however, suggest that \\"pass-through\\" to U.S. import prices has fallen only modestly, if at all, in the last decade. The authors argue that methodological changes in the collection of import data and the inclusion of commodity prices in pass-through models may have contributed to earlier findings of low pass-through rates.

Keywords: Imports - Prices; Foreign exchange rates;

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Bibliographic Information

Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Part of Series: Current Issues in Economics and Finance

Publication Date: 2006

Volume: 12

Issue: Sep

Order Number: 6