Online Appendix for: Comment on "Star Wars: The Empirics Strike Back"
Abstract: This appendix contains the pre-registered analysis for our comment on “Star Wars: The Empirics Strike Back” by Brodeur et al (2016). To structure the analysis, we reproduce the pre-registration; our results appear in red under each of the relevant parts. The time-stamped version of the pre-registration is available from the Open Science Framework website at the address To understand this appendix deeply, we recommend carefully reading Brodeur et al (2016). The body of our comment paper outlines only the intuition of their method. In some of the figures presented in this appendix, we use labels that differ from those in Brodeur et al. (2016), and we do so to more clearly connect to the intuition we offer.
Keywords: Researcher bias; Research credibility; Research replicability; Z-curve;
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Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Part of Series: Staff Report
Publication Date: 2021-11-18
Number: 630