Working Paper Revision

Dynamic Gains from Trade Agreements with Intellectual Property Provisions

Abstract: I develop a quantitative multi-country trade model of innovation and technology licensing to study the short- and long-term effects of trade agreements with intellectual property (IP) provisions. A trade agreement involves determining the level of tariffs and IP protection as Nash bargaining between a developed and a developing country. The agreement increases welfare, innovation, and growth in the long-run. However, gains accrue differently across countries along the transition. Developing countries experience short-run losses, as they now pay higher licensing prices. An agreement designed by a politically-motivated government could mitigate these losses, but at the expense of lower growth and welfare.

Keywords: Technology Licensing; Trade Agreements; Intellectual Property Rights;

JEL Classification: F12; O33; O41; O47;

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Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Part of Series: Working Papers

Publication Date: 2022-05-30

Number: 2021-010

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