Journal Article
Recent Innovations in Reducing Home Energy Costs and Improving Resilience for Low- and Moderate-Income Renters and Homeowners
Abstract: Community Development (CD) practitioners across the western U.S. are engaging in new efforts to reduce energy costs and improve resilience for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities and other populations that face barriers to economic participation and household financial stability. Energy costs and resilience are factors in housing stability, which impacts economic participation. New federal and state funding sources, as well as growing involvement from philanthropy and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-motivated investors, have prompted growth in energy cost savings and resilience (ECSR) options for LMI households. To help scale this work, CD practitioners are experimenting with partnerships—between workforce development providers and employers, mission-driven lenders and nonprofits, state government and utilities, retrofit companies and the public sector, state government and municipalities, to name a few. These partnerships have led to innovations in lending (for homeowners, renters, and landlords), technical implementation of retrofits, coordination across programs, consumer protection, workforce development, and technical assistance (TA) for CD practitioners. This brief provides descriptive findings from focus groups and interviews about ESCR-related work in the CD field and discusses takeaways for policy and practice.
Keywords: energy; resilience; innovations; low-and moderate-income (LMI); renters; homeowners;
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Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Part of Series: Community Development Research Brief
Publication Date: 2023-11-15
Volume: 2023
Issue: 04
Pages: 41
Note: Authored by Elizabeth Mattiuzzi (PhD Senior Researcher, Community Development), and Sarah Simms (Community Development Finance Manager, Community Development)