Working Paper
Equilibrium Multiplicity in Aiyagari and Krusell-Smith
Abstract: Repeatedly solving the Aiyagari (1994) model with random parameters, we construct hundreds of examples with multiple stationary equilibria. We never find multiplicity with risk aversion less than ≈ 1.49, depreciation less than ≈ 0.19, or income persistence less than ≈ 0.47, and multiplicity requires a disaster state for income. In cases with multiplicity, the lowest rental rate occurs near depreciation times the capital share. It is possible for the economy, without a change in fundamentals, to transition rationally from a higher-rate equilibrium to one with a lower rental rate, lower inequality, and lower welfare (for most agents). We also construct the first Krusell and Smith (1998) examples with multiple recursive competitive equilibria.
Keywords: uniqueness; multiplicity; Bewley models; Krusell-Smith;
JEL Classification: C6; D5; E1;
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Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Part of Series: Working Papers
Publication Date: 2024-06-20
Number: 24-13