Journal Article

Check cashers: moving from the fringes to the financial mainstream

Abstract: Once relegated to the margins of the financial services industry, check cashing outlets (CCO's) are now more visible parts of the urban landscape. Check cashers offer convenient check clearing and bill payment services, mostly tailored to meet the needs of the \\"unbanked\\" in low-and moderate income communities. The industry has grown dramatically over the years and is generating new products and services to meet the needs of its niche clientele. While some argue that check cashers are offering marginalized lower income Americans more responsive products than those available from banks, consumer advocates and community groups disagree. They argue that CCO customers pay too much for basic payment services, and that a reliance on check cashers keeps these lower-income individuals form being integrated into the financial mainstream. Lesly Jean-Paul and Luxman Nathan examine industry trends and the reach of check cashers here in New England.

Keywords: Unbanked; Checks;

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Bibliographic Information

Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Part of Series: Communities and Banking

Publication Date: 1999

Issue: Sum

Pages: 2-15